Insomnix - A Supplement for Great Sleep

by Kate Dee, MD

I have suffered from Insomnia my entire adult life and have tried EVERYTHING. I never have coffee after 9 am. I turn off my screens at least an hour before bed. I eat a good dose of protein in the evening. I’ve tried every pill for sleep-- they all make me feel groggy the next day and the quality of sleep on them is terrible. I was still waking up in the middle of the night and could be up for hours. It was miserable.

Then I got a free sample of Insomnix. I’ll try anything-- after all, what do I have to lose? Well, I couldn’t believe how well it worked. I fell asleep within 20 minutes and most importantly, STAYED asleep all night and I felt totally normal and well rested the next day. I couldn’t believe it! Friends and family tried it and it worked for them too. So, I had to have some for my patients, and we now offer Insomnix supplements at Glow. Call us at 206-228-7281 if you have questions or stop by anytime to try it out.

More about Insomnix: Physician-formulated specifically to provide the essential active components to help improve sleep quality, Insomnix is designed to promote restful sleep without the adverse side effects of sedatives and potential addiction. It contains these 4 key ingredients for refreshing and rejuvenating sleep:

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland that sets the circadian rhythm, (wake-sleep cycles). Melatonin diminishes with age, and a replacement has been shown to improve sleep by helping to reestablish the normal sleep pattern.

L-Theanine. An extract from tea. Historically, some people have found drinking tea to have a calming effect. Since tea has caffeine, this does not make sense at first glance; however, research has revealed that tea also contains L-Theanine which has been shown to have an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect. Theanine is structurally similar to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, and, binds to glutamate receptors, though with much lower affinity in comparison. It acts as an antagonist of the receptor. It inhibits glutamine transporters and glutamate transporters, and thus blocks the reuptake of glutamine and glutamate. It has been shown to increase alpha wave activity in the brain. By relieving anxiety, L-Theanine promotes restful sleep by helping to alleviate the racing of thoughts that plague so many individuals who experience sleep difficulties.

Phenibut is a tranquilizing nootropic agent developed by the Russian space program as a safer alternative to benzodiazepines like Valium. Its chemical structure and pharmacological effects are similar to the prescription medication Baclofen, but less potent.

Lithium Orotate. Lithium is an important trace mineral. It is used therapeutically to treat obsessive thoughts, and to control mood swings. In the orotate form, it is effective at much lower doses, and people don’t seem to develop a tolerance to it as can happen with other sedating and/or tranquilizing agents. Lithium does not induce sleep directly. It works primarily by acting as an anti-anxiety agent. Upon ingestion, lithium becomes widely distributed in the central nervous system and interacts with a number of neurotransmitters and receptors, decreasing norepinephrine (noradrenaline) release and increasing serotonin synthesis.

You are cordially invited to our open house at Glow Medispa!

Date: Thursday, September 22nd
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Wine and cheese will be served.

Many individuals are a little bit put off thinking about using a surgical procedure to help them reduce wrinkles. Of course, if an individual wants to look their best, this may be a necessary step they will have to take when they are a little bit older. However, for most individuals who are in their forties, using a surgical procedure, like a facelift, may not be necessary. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of cosmetic treatment options that are available to help reduce wrinkles. One of them is IPL photorejuvenation.

If you are unfamiliar with IPL photorejuvenation, you should know that this is a safe procedure that uses intense pulse light. That is what “IPL” stands for. This is not a laser therapy. However, it involves shining highly concentrated light on the surface of the skin. These intense beams of light are going to target wrinkles, giving you a more even skin tone. They can also be used to target pigmentation and vascular irregularities, further helping you to have a much younger-looking and smoother complexion.

When an individual first hears about a specific treatment for getting rid of wrinkles or to treat any other aging issue, they may feel a little bit nervous and wonder if it is safe. You should be confident when you come into our office. You can feel assured knowing that our experienced and certified technicians will perform this procedure on you in a safe and effective way.

All of our treatments start off with a consultation. During this consultation, we are going to thoroughly assess your medical history and the current condition of your health. We want to identify any potential for complications and avoid them. We also want to make sure that the treatment that you choose is something that is going to be compatible with your current skin care needs and health.

Another concern that many individuals have when they are unfamiliar with a cosmetic treatment is if the treatment is going to be uncomfortable and if it is going to require a lot of downtime. IPL photorejuvenation is not highly uncomfortable. However, you will feel some sensations during treatment. Many individuals have compared the sensation they feel during IPL photorejuvenation to being gently snapped with an elastic band.

Most individuals will only be in our office for about 30 minutes for treatment, and then they can get right back to their normal routine. There is no downtime needed with this treatment.

Some individuals need to return to our office a couple of times to get the best results. The number of treatments that you will need to reduce wrinkles and to treat other skin issues will depend on your particular circumstances.

During a consultation at Glow Medispa in Seattle, you can learn all the facts about IPL photorejuvenation for wrinkle reduction. This simple treatment has helped many of our patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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