If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine but want to take your body to the next level, consider EMSCULPT NEO body sculpting. Not only does this quick and effective procedure help you build muscle mass, but it also leads to fat reduction. It is the only FDA-approved treatment for muscle toning and strengthening.
Emsculpt neo uses two different kinds of energy to reduce fat and build muscle. Electromagnetic waves are used to produce involuntary muscle contractions with this treatment. The applicator uses these electromagnetic waves, called HIFEM, to stimulate the muscle in a way that is much stronger than your brain can make them do. The contractions caused by this technology are known as supramaximal contractions and are stronger than what you can do with exercise. In fact, a 30-minute session of EMSCULPT NEO is the equivalent of doing 20,000 sit-ups!
EMSCULPT NEO body sculpting also uses radiofrequency (RF) to heat the fat and muscles. The heat actually melts the fat and also helps the muscle to build even stronger. The result is a 30% reduction in fat and 25% increase in muscle, on average. This was shown in multiple clinical studies using a series of 4 treatments.
Unlike body sculpting treatments such as CoolSculpting, which is designed to purely target fat, EMSCULPT NEO is able to kill fat and sculpt muscle at the same time. The ideal candidate for this treatment will already be at, or at least very near, their goal weight. They will also be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Continuing to eat healthily and exercise regularly is important to maintain your results with EMSCULPT NEO. This is a great treatment for those looking for a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment that gives them significant results. You can actually lay back and relax while having this treatment done.
If you feel like you may benefit from EMSCULPT NEO body sculpting, make an appointment with Glow Medispa and speak to one of the dedicated and knowledgeable members of our team. We would be happy to answer your questions and can help create a treatment plan just for you. Contact us today or book your consultation here online - we look forward to speaking with you!
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